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2025 70.3 Boise Clinic

Registration fee: $95.00 (Plus applicable taxes)

Date of birth (Year Month Day)
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PLEASE READ CAREFULLY For my participation in a LifeSport camp or clinic I certify that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained for participation in these services and that I have not been advised against participation by a qualified health professional. In consideration of this agreement, I hereby indemnify, release and forever discharge LifeSport/LifeSport Holdings, World Triathlon Corporation (Ironman) and Triathlon Canada from any liability, claims, losses, costs, or expenses, and waive the right to pursue legal action against LifeSport/LifeSport Holdings World Triathlon Corporation (Ironman) and Triathlon Canada in the services, including claims or damages resulting from death, personal injury, partial or permanent disability or property damage, medical or economic losses. This agreement shall be binding upon my heirs, assignees, successors and personal representatives. I hereby further state that I currently suffer from no physical or mental condition that would impair my ability to fully participate in this agreement. I represent and warrant that I am eighteen (18) years of age or older and, if not, I have the permission of a parent or guardian to participate in these activities who has review this waiver. ASSUMPTION OF RISKS: I hereby acknowledge and agree: a) that the sport of triathlon (swimming, running and cycling) is dangerous and may expose participants to many risks and hazards (some of which are inherent in the very nature of the sport itself); some risks may occur as a result from human error and negligence on the part of the person(s) involved in preparing and executing triathlon (swimming, running and cycling) programs, training, races, and other activities; that as a result of the aforesaid risks and hazards, I as a participant may suffer serious injury, even death, as well as property loss. b) It is the responsibility of the athlete to communicate to the coach in charge if they feel uncomfortable or not ready for any aspect of the training camp. Athletes develop at many different levels and it is the complete responsibility of the athlete to ensure they are ready to participate in any/all aspects of training; c) that I understand that LifeSport/LifeSport Holdings and it’s coaches, assume no responsibility whatsoever for my safety during the course of my preparation and execution for the participation in the aforesaid triathlon (swimming, running and cycling) camp activities; that I have carefully read this WAIVER, AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK agreement, I fully understand same and that I am freely and voluntarily excepting, I recognize that this release may be in addition to the release I must sign as s condition of participation, and that I am bound by the terms and condition of waivers.
By checking this box you agree to the terms of the waiver above